Propeller control systems since 1975
Jihostroj started production of propeller control systems in 1975 already. The first activity was a hydromechancal control system for M601 turboprop engine produced by WALTER ENGINES company, which is the turboprop of PT-6 category. Since that time were derived a few versions of this systems for different applications. The number of manufactured sets to date is more then 7500. This system is still in production.
Subsequent development was the propeller control system for M602 turboprop engine which included synchrophasing.
Based on vast experience with high tech turboprop propeller control, Jihostroj entered in 1998 piston engine market with an advanced propeller governor model line designated as P-ABC-XXX. On the basis of gathered experience with those governors, in 2003 was introduced a newest propeller governor model line designated as P-ABC-X/Y. This model line is actual base of our current production program for piston engine.
The P-ABC-X/Y governor model line represents the most advanced design of a hydromechanical governor, which is actually on the market. Those governors are flying in many types of airplanes, seaplanes and airships and are available under different brand names. They are unique especially from it´s dimensions and weight. There does not exists any other governor lighter then P-ABC-X/Y in the world! (Nor the new MT governor).
The strong stress is denoted to further product development. There exist a hundreds of governor modifications and other are under development. This effort comprise not only modification of standard hydromechanical design but also development of “new concept” governors inclusive so called “electronic governors” designed for "single lever" control system.